TechChunks offer you a wide array of professional services  related to blogging at a very competitive price. We understand that most of our clients are first-time bloggers and hence we strive towards offering quality services, which are still available at affordable price.

TechChunks Offers WordPress Blogging Services

We specialize in custom WordPress solutions and services. WordPress is our favorite tool to use for any website, whether as a blog engine or as a CMS (Content Management System). We can work with you on any level of your project that you may need support with. We have a team of experts who specialize in a variety of WordPress related services, that include:

1. Correction and validation of HTML/XHTML/CSS

Get your XHTML code validated and error free for faster and more accurate indexing and efficient crawling of search engine bots.

2. Custom Logo design

A professionally designed logo goes a long way in making a mark in the minds of your target audience and helping you create a unique online identity, be it a sales proposal site or just a WordPress blog. Studies have revealed that people remember graphical representations better  than texts. So why wait to make that impression on your visitors in an era where first impression really is the last impression?

3. Custom Banner design

Tired of all those Adsense banner making bots that just don’t make the bang? Need that “wow factor” to adequately represent your brand credibility or even get your banner to be noticed by the masses? Wait no further, here is the personalized and premium solution to all your graphics needs.

4. WordPress installation/migration

Trigger happy about the “one-click” integration and migration services for WordPress? But wait! That is not enough! Not only an automatically configured WP blog will have critical security flaws but will also have a few irreversible security loop holes after installation! You don’t want your site to get attacked by hackers when its enjoying premium traffic, do you? We help you to migrate from and to self hosted WordPress blog without compromising with the quality while we make the transition.

5. WordPress security tweaks to harden the installation

Already a proud WordPress  blogger? Think moving to WP was your best choice in terms of flexibility and power? We won’t differ on that opinion either but with power comes greater risk of hackers (we bet spiderman’s uncle was not a WP blogger when he made the proverbial metaphor). Our security tweaks ensure your blog stays in good hands; YOURS!

6. WordPress SEO

This is a service that needs no introduction or conclusion for that matter. So we were thinking to leave it blank as there are already so many expensive and spam SEO schemes out there, which are making a living (scam) out of your money! But then would it not benefit to have a real webmaster help your SEO with proven results for his own site than a scam SEO scheme that never reveals the sites it has promoted (ever wondered why? We bet you are smart enough by now). When you hire our SEO service, you also get a list of our previous SEO work and and how each of them were done.

We Expertise on-site SEO consulting and ‘out-of-the-box thinking’ approach to SEO issues. Including on-site WordPress SEO, Site Structure and Usability Optimization.

7. WordPress Blog Testing

Professionally driven Website/Blog testing service that includes a detailed security analysis of your WordPress blog to prevent any hacking attacks.

8. WordPress Custom Theme Design

Are you frustrated by going to the “get themes” section of your WP dashboard every bluemoon? Does your site/blog  just not look or function the way it should? Then its time to get a premium and affordable theme designed for your dream WP blog/site now. And you will not have to spend a fortune to get it, either!

To get more details and for a free quotation, contact us using the contact form below:

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