TechChunks is meant to bring you the latest technological updates, tricks, tips and tweaks and to help you become an efficient technology user who knows how to use that information to her advantage .

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Here you will find the Latest Technology News, New Mobile Phones, Gadgets,  Gaming, iPhone, iPod Touch, Web 2.0 and more on TechChunks. In addition, you will find a great variety of posts that cover topics like SEO (Search Engine Optimization), ProBlogging, Social Media updates, Gadget reviews, Digital Photography, Computer Software, Gaming etc.


TechChunks is dedicated to spread the art of tech blogging, share the latest technological updates, share interesting technological experiences and promote the tech blogging medium. In other words, TechChunks is a blog with main focus on helping you get more out of technology, out of your computer and more out of your time spent on surfing the internet so that you can use it for the betterment of your life. We are NOT “just another tech site” that shares useless stuff. Be rest assured. 🙂

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1. TechChunks: TechChunks has fair amount of experience in the field of technology and is an effort to share that experience with others while he continues his learning. Prior to starting this blog, he has spent many productive years as a Software Engineer, Corporate Trainer, Frequent Conference Speaker and Workshop Leader.

2. Jojo: Jojo is a 22-year-old Software Engineer with a keen interest in technology, blogging, gadgets, gaming, movies, smart phones and people-watching. Originally from Rourkela but now living in Chennai (India) Jojo has a love for delicious foods (mostly chicken) but struggles to appreciate street dogs and bad weather. Jojo is the Co-Owner of and writes here regularly.

3. Asha: Asha is a 20-something Technology Queen, IT professional, part-time Blogger and Social Media bee from Pune (India). She is a passionate Techno-enthusiast and Internet junkie who loves to write on Online Security, Social Networking, Gadgets, Technology and SEO. She has been a co-inventor of since its inception and writes here frequently.

4. Guest Authors: We accept guest articles. We are always looking for experienced writers who can write good original quality posts on Please contact us if you would like us to consider you. And make sure you give us details of your own blog or a link to some articles you have written.

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